...Administrative control will not eliminate the hazard to expose to the working environment, but with the proper implementations, this control will protect the operator from having direct contact with the potential hazard...
When Re-engineering steps (people often call this as mechanical or engineering control) as the best and the first step of hazard management and hazard control does not work to reducing the risk and hazard level, the administrative control are need to be applied. Administrative control will not eliminate the hazard to expose to the working environment, but with the proper implementations, this control will protect the operator from having direct contact with the potential hazard. But, again.. please keep in mind this will NOT eliminate the hazards itself. This only prevents the operator by stopping them from having direct contact with the hazard if only the term and condition of protection are fulfilled.
Several administrative controls that can be made i.e.:
•Hazard identifications and socialization from risk assessment’s result
•Job Safety Analysis drill for every operator to create safety behavior and safety minded
•Safe Standard Operating Procedure
•Training and meeting, such as toolbox meeting, evaluation meeting, etc
•Safe Work Instruction
•Safety sign and safety alert tools
•Job rotation and work shift schedule
•Incidents -Accident sharing and review, including accident statistic’s review
•Incident sharing
•Safety training and induction
•Safety promotions – safety contest
•Working environment measurement, such as noise measurement, heat measurement, dust measurement, etc.
•Recruitment based on safety aspect
This step usually applied as combination with the other control. Because of this cannot stop the hazard itself. Sometimes, it doesn’t enough to use only one step to control hazard. This is because some step control can’t properly applied 100%. Some machine will no longer run effectively when the modification being applied, and the other side some job will not run smoothly when job rotation being applied or existing safety sign and work instruction was not properly applied.
The weaknesses of this control are:
1.The administrative control required employee’s participation. Because they are the one who will be acts as subject and therefore they must participate actively. Without their cooperation all the system (read: administrative controls) you have been made means nothing.
2.Its need to be regularly socialized. To ensure all the employee are still have fresh memory on this.
3.It’s not stop the hazard itself, it just manipulate from the operator side.
PS: Picture taken from : www.masternewmedia.org