...this corrective action that resulted from checking and evaluation step will very useful for you to catalyst your program get the end of its destination, the better safety performance...
As safety engineer, you need to control the running program by conduct scheduled checking and monitoring. This will give you the valid description about the challenges and difficulties that may happen. This will also test effectiveness of the technique and strategy that being used. By knowing this, you will able to find corrective action after you evaluate those condition with your team.
The perfect formula will found and will make all the team achieve the target easier. And the most important one is, potential conflict that may happen between the people in different interest will much reduced. No doubt, this corrective action that resulted from checking and evaluation step will very useful for you to catalyst your program get the end of its destination, the better safety performance. But this is not the end of the process. Because safety will always request a continuous improvement. safer day by day.
Do not forget, beside doing personal review and evaluation you need to include your safety committee to participate in monthly or other regular formal management review.
Note: Picture Taken from www.library.uiuc.edu