Thursday, October 23, 2008

Occupational Disease

...The medical record history of those who suspect get the occupational disease is deadly important, so the medical database must be cover this purpose. Beside, a comprehensive diagnose from occupational physicist related to their working environment must be also well considered....

Occupational Disease is a disease (any chronic ailment) resulting from long-term exposure during employment in a particular type of work to conditions or substances that are danger to health.

In general, occupational diseases are related to exposures to physical, chemical or, controversially, psychological hazards; they usually develop over a period of time and often resemble or duplicate diseases occurring in other settings. An occupational disease is typically identified when it is shown that it is more prevalent in a given body of workers than in the general population, or in other worker populations. By comparison, occupational injuries are mostly the immediate result of mechanical factors such as lifting or bending, or failures in safety measures resulting in accidents or fires. In practice, the dividing line is rather arbitrary (eg, established because of administrative convenience): certain types of injury, such as tendonitis resulting from repetitive movements, are counted as "diseases," and certain types of what would normally be considered a disease, such as acute poisoning by chemicals discovered immediately, are counted as "injuries". Occupational hazards that are of a traumatic nature (such as falls by roofers) are not considered to be occupational diseases.

Occupational diseases often develop over many months or years, depending on the intensity and circumstances of exposure. Cancer resulting from inhalation of ASBESTOS fibres, for example, generally takes at least 20 years to develop, and when it does develop it is difficult or impossible to identify the exact cause in the individual patient. Occupational diseases often resemble other medical conditions; for example, LEAD poisoning duplicates the symptoms of several illnesses, and asthma resulting from sensitization to chemicals in the workplace is often falsely attributed to exposures at home. For these reasons, most occupational diseases are often overlooked or misdiagnosed and are undercounted in statistical reports. They are more common than is generally realized.

The medical record history of those who suspect get the occupational disease is deadly important, so the medical database must be cover this purpose. Beside, a comprehensive diagnose from occupational physicist related to their working environment must be also well considered.

Bellow is the list of common Occupational Disease, its trigger and those who have potential risk to :


Carpal tunnel syndrome amongs letter sorting, assembly work, computer work, food processing because of repetition, vibration, awkward postures, cold temperatur
De Quervain's tendinitis amongs Meatpacking, Manufacturing worker caused by Repetition, High force
Cervical strain, amongs Computer work caused by Static posture, repetition
Thoracic outlet syndrome, amongs Assembly worker caused by Static posture, repetition
Static posture, repetition

Interstitial fibrosis, among Mining, construction trades, building maintenance, Mining, foundry work, sandblasting caused by exposure of Asbestos, Silica, Coal
Asthma, among Laboratory worker, Baking, Furniture making, Plastics manufacturing, Hard metals manufacturing, Machine operation, Various occupations caused by Animal products, Wood dust, Isocyanates, Metals (e.g., cobalt), Cutting oils, Irritants (e.g., sulfur dioxide)
Bronchitis, Among Plating worker, Fire fighter, welder because of Moldy Hay, Cutting oils
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis among farmer, Machine operator because of Moldy Hay, Cutting oils
Upper airway irritation, among Office work, Teacher caused by Indoor air pollution (i.e., sick building syndrome)

Chronic encephalopathy, among whose who work at Painting, automobile body repair, Pesticide application, and Bridge work, painting, radiator repair, metal recycling. Caused by Organic Solvents, organophosphate pesticides, and Lead
Peripheral polyneuropathy among those who work at Pesticide application, Fabric coating caused by Organophosphate pesticides, Methyl butyl ketone
Hearing loss, can be happen to many occupations caused by Noise with over TLV

Bloodborne infections, among Health care work, prison work caused by HIV, hepatitis B, etc
Airborne infections, among Health care work, prison work caused by Tuberculosis
Infections transmitted fecally or orally, among Health care worker, animal care worker caused by Hepatitis A
Zoonoses, can be happen to Forestry and other outdoor work caused exposured by Lyme disease


Lung cancer, can happen to those who work as Construction trades, Welding, plating, Steelworking caused by Asbestor, Chromium, Coal tar, Pitch.
Liver Cancer among Plastics Manufacturing worker caused by exposure of Vynil Chloride
Bladder cancer among Plastics and chemical manufacturing worker because of exposured by Benzidine

Contact dermatitis, Can happen to Many occupations, Hairdressing, Health care work because of exposured by Organic solvents, Nickel, and Latex

Spontaneous abortion can be happen to those who work at Sterilizing process/ job because of exposured by Ethylene oxide
Sperm abnormalities, among Pesticide manufacturing worker caused by Dibromochloropropane
Birth defects, among Radiographic technicians caused by Ionizing radiation
Developmental abnormalities among Bridge worker, metal recycling worker caused by lead

Coronary artery disease, among Working with combustion products, Machine-paced work because of exposured by Carbon monoxide, stress

Hepatitis among Electrical equipment manufacturing and repair caused by Polychlorinated biphenyls

PS : Picture taken from