...From first risk which have been identified, it is surely will be compared with the acceptance criteria that have been considered,...
Risk assessment is a whole process that include risk identification, risk analysis and risk evaluation (AS/NZS 4360:2004), in simple word Risk Assessment is systematic method to determine wether a risk which resulted from an activity can be tolerated or not.
Risk assessment used to be conduct when we will :
1. Compose a HSE manual,
2. Compose risk assesment manual,
3. or as follow up of recomendation from an accident investigation,
4. or as part of recomendation from an Safety Audit Process,
5. or for Demolishion Plant/ Facilities purpose,
6. For HSE Program compose purpose. So it is not applied at the beginning project only.
From first risk which have been identified, it is surely will be compared with the acceptance criteria that have been considered, if the risk is already under the tolerable criteria then those activity can be done but if still above of acceptance criteria, then an risk reduction/ prevention plan need to be done in order to make sure those activity can be accepted in tolerable criteria.
The most important thing of this risk assessment is the urgency of a guide regarding residual risk that can be accepted. Each company or organization off course will have different acceptance level. This is the art of risk assessment even though use the same criteria, but the result can be different if conducted by different team. So, a good risk assessment need to be conducted by skilled and experienced team.