Every job need a master. But the master can be found or even can be create from internal organization with some very tight effort and screening. Every job need clear target of achievement, tools, and also team or organization structure. But the most important one, whatever job is it, its must be supported well. Support come from superior and decision maker (top management). No doubt that production will always be a first concern of the whole organization to get the best achievement from the target. In some very good company, they also concern the safety management system integrated into their management system. All people in the organization are responsible about safety in each working area. This is a commitment. The commitment will rise policy, responsibility, care, and good teamwork, with less or without conflict. Because every job will be describe clearly. It will invite every body to participate in since the safety is everybody's business. All effort are begin with the commitment and will be ended by good achievement. So, commitment is the beginning process, to get Best Achievement in the last process.
Never miss this magic word, pal!