...Some people will be easily try to find something or someone to be blamed than doing Investigation to looking for the root cause of the accident....
Many factors can contribute to cause an accident. Some people will be easily try to find something or someone to be blamed than doing Investigation to looking for the root cause of the accident. Root cause analysis is being so important to find the primary cause of accident so the same type of accident will be prevented in the future. Please check the bellow common accident causes, and be honest to yourself whether you are included in this list, means you are in the high risk to get the accident.
•Taking Shortcuts: People thing that doing job faster is genius, efficient and can make everybody happy. But ,..wait a minute,..do you forget the more important one than just getting faster? Your Safety!. It’s different, getting smart with silly. Smart if you can finish your job on time or faster but SAFE. Silly if you then sent to hospital or getting injury because of your ‘brilliant ‘idea to modify your working procedure. That’s not shortcut, it is a silly thing.
•Over Confident: being confident is good. But do not over. Overconfident is far from good. "It'll never happen to me" is an attitude that can lead you to an accident.
•Doing Job with Incomplete Instructions: Instruction makes you always in the right track. The instruction makes you do the job correctly. Whenever you miss the instruction, don’t be shy to ask your superior. The complete and clear instruction will guaranty that responsible is not given to you.
•Bad Housekeeping: Bad housekeeping creates many hazards of all types. A house keeping is a simple indicator whether your safety and productivity is good or bad.
•Ignoring Safety Procedures: Safety Procedure ensure you to finish your job safely. It is important for the company if you can do the job faster and in high quality. But more important for the company to ensure that you will come to work tomorrow because you are safe today!
•Mental Distractions From Work: having problem with your boss, while have problem at your home in the same time can break your focus. Difficulties to manage your (multi) tasking will generate the potential hazard for your mental. Leave your home problem at home, stay focus on the job you are doing.
PS :
Picture taken from :blog.oregonlive[dot]com
Picture taken from :blog.oregonlive[dot]com