...The most important parts of this activity is to find and mentioned the safe procedure how to do the job safely...
While a kind of job is required, It must be have been analyzed by competent people (Safety officer, safety inspector, Safety engineer, safety representatives, etc). This purpose of this kind of procedure is to ensure all the risk and hazard are already considered and being eliminated or at least much reduced.
The main activities of this procedure is listing all of working steps that must be taken to perform those kind of job. After the steps already listed, the next process is by analyze all potential risk / hazard that probably found and created in each step. This should be evaluated from human side (ex: physical requirement to perform the job), machine (is it already safe?, always in good condition) and also from environment aspect (material, workplace such as lighting, temperature, etc).
The most important parts of this activity is to find and mentioned the safe procedure how to do the job safely. Because a safe procedure and improvement recommendation will be found to support the achievement of safe work environment. Hopefully the sub standard condition will not found and creating loss and accident in the future.
Picture taken from : www[dot]osha[dot]gov